The Adventures of Bob

Monday, January 29, 2007

Welp thats a wrap folks


Welp as most of you know my journey has come to a rather abrupt stop and i am now back in the great white north i like to call home. So this will likely be one of the very last post on my trip. I have decided to summerize it mostly through my pictures as you sill soon see there are alot on here but i have alot more, about 2800 more infact, though lots of them are duplicates or triplicates so dont worry im not that weird, just gotta take a couple to make sure you capture what your looking for right?? thought so.

Anyways i would also like my readers to make some sorta post even if its a hello, or maybe there fav part of my trip so well i can see what you guys liked about this and well just to make yourselves known to me. I mean not to guilt trip you but this thing takes time to do, and well it was all for you. Yes you and no one else. Anyways this is bob signing out for one last time



Vienna, Palace gardens


Prague main square

Church of Bones



Weird Triangle Castle in Chur Swiss

Oktoberfest in Constance Germany

Koln Dom

Funky bombed out church left from WWII

Berlin, I have a pic of the gate just thought this was cool

Brussels Belgium

Ghent Belgium

Ypres WWI Canadian War memorial


Interlocken Swiss

Interlocken Swiss

Barcelona, Parc Guelle

Cinque Terra Roman Coliseum

leaning tower of Pisa

Rialto bridge Venice Italy

Funky lizard laying eggs

The 12 Apostals great ocean road

Great Ocean Road, Southern Australia

MCG- Melbourne cricket grounds, queensland vs victoria

byron bay beaches

Steve irwins Australia zoo

Lake Mackenzie fraser island, freshwater lake

Whithaven Beach Whitsunday islands

Reef Dive off Cairns

Mauri Wrasse

Reef Dive Cairns

Baby croc in the daintree river

Daintree rainforest walk , A forest dragon lizard

Rainforest in Cape Tribulation Australia, island on horizon not very visable is reef area where the Croc hunter ran into the sting ray

Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur China Town

Thats it folks Take care

flight From Kuala Lumpur, cutting night into day


  • My favourite part was when you came home.

    By Blogger Marcus, at 8:03 AM  

  • hey man!!!what can i say??i think each pic is only the top of an iceberg,and you only know what there is behind..thank you for make us dreaming with you...

    andrea-let it out

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:18 AM  

  • HEY ROB!!
    Thanks for the lovely story-telling and the beautiful pictures! I had fun living vicariously through you, but I guess it's over now. Ah well, it's good to have you back in Canada again, buddy! Missed ya!

    (count this as another notch on your bedpost, crazy kid)
    Peace out

    By Blogger bex, at 3:32 PM  

  • rob.
    to be honest the whole thing was perfect. thanks for all the posts and pics.. can't wait to see ya... sooon..

    By Blogger natalie, at 9:44 PM  

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