So im currently in my last destination before heading my way back home via a couple stops. Cairns is a verry different city from the rest of the coast, almost has a western united states or new orleans sort of deal lots of places with lots of funky decks.
So its pretty hot up here and lots of things to do as they have the rainforests and the reef so close up here, yesterday i did a jungle safari thing where we went up to cape tribulation, mossman, and the daintree.
The Daintree river we did a river tour looking for crocodiles and any other wildlife on the way. we managed to find about 3 crocs on the tour one of which was a youngster about 1 year old which is apparently very rare to see. We also saw a couple of tree snakes, white liped tree frogs, and a python which was pretty cool. Below here is a picture from a croc farm, this is the largest croc in captivity he goes by the name of George, and is 5.2 meters in length and was picked up out of a local river for stealing a farmers cows, he managed to get about 30 of them before they picked him up.

Here are some of the pictures from the croc tour and the daintree river

so yeah there you have them, wild crocs and pythons CHECK.
We then headed up to Cape tribulation where we did some jungle walks and looked for wildlife saw some amazing birds though my zoom isnt all that spectacular so youll have to take my word on this one. Pretty birds. We were also at this point in Cassowary territory so they have some pretty funny signs along the roads to warn you. Infact they have some crazy looking road signs over here and ill put some up for you to see as well as some pictures from up at the cape.Oh also a womper of a sign at the start of this blog Check IT...

Cheeers, i will likely be hitting up the reef in the next few days and am contemplating a sky dive but not to sure on that one so stay tuned.

And Stay Precious
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