Nice day for it
Well Kiddies, its been a little bit and for that i appologize, just havent had the desire to write lately, so make your voices heard and post something on here when you take a peak it makes my day and makes me feel like im writting for a reason.

Ok well lets see, After flying back to Sydney from Melbourne, I again met up with my good friend Pippa and her brother and some of there friends for Homebake, A concert that only involves bands from australia and nz, some of the various bands which showed up that i can recall off the top of my head were silverchair, the vines, eskimo joe and then there was about 30 others i never heard of before. I only managed to hit up two of the 4 stages but it was one good shindig, about 55000 people crammed into a park with 4 stages and lots and lots of beer. The weather on this day however was pretty intense, we got litterally poured on about 4 or 5 times, and lightning going off left right and center. One such time me and Jackson this little oriental friend of Pippas bro went on a beer run when yes you guessed it it started to pour, so we decided that we would stock up and buy 2 rounds or as much as we could so we walked out with 4 beers each, and started to look for everyone we were with. We couldnt find them, and its pouring cats and dogs at this point so we headed for the trees where we could atleast set the cans down and consume atleast some of the sweet nectar. After waiting there for a bit we decide to head out and look again as we have one free hand that we can drink with. We didnt find them until our third beer was almost done and ended up only giving them 1 beer each but it was damn funny they were precisly where we had left them they were just in ponchos so we didnt recognise them. So yeah the day was filled with good music good people and good times.

The Following day i went to the sydney zoo with pips brother and his gf, we saw all sorts of stuff, but by far the chimps were the best as they were doing some rediculous things, and there was one definate shit disturber in the group who would go around hittting all the others with sticks, i had a good laugh at that little guy.

We then headed up to Surf camp where you guessed it we learned to surf, The first night we got in about 3 hours where i basically just body boarded as i couldnt figure out the proper way to get on the damn thing, basically just tossing my feet up and hoping for the best. However the next morning we were up and at it by 8 am the weather was peachy and it was a whole new ball game. The waves werent nearly as big today and were few and far between so you had to pick and choose which was going to be your game maker. But they were clean waves so they werent going to kick your ass, so you had lots of time to get up on the board and ride them in. I ended up riding about 10 waves for a good while before falling off so was pretty cool really feel good when you can finally stand up on those things.

We then headed off that afternoon to head up to byron bay, a place renound for backpackers and parties, so after 2 nights ive been intoxicated twice, the first night, ended up with a wet tshirt contest, yes thats two so far this trip, and this one had a little better genetics then the last thank heavens. And last night we ended up playing this drinking game that if someone drops a coin in your drink you have to skull it, well let me tell you im not great at this game and ended up skulling about 8 beer in a matter of like freakin 45 minutes (yes mom i know thats alot) (dad you should be proud). So yeah last night was a little dicey and i ducked out early but lets see you drink them and last the rest of the night huh.. Soooo back to the wet t shirt contest. A girl off our bus decided that the 300 bucks to win was incentive enough and she had the guarentee that we were gonna make sure she won so she was up there along with 9 other 18 year olds. Well im gonna say this flat out she had no way of winning this thing the way some of these girls rocked it up there, she had probably the classiest wet t shirt contest i have seen, and i know ive only seen one other but it was classy and without us she probably wouldnt have even gotten a cheer but her name resonated outta that place and there she was walkin out with 300 cold hard cash.

I walked out to the lighthouse in town here and its the mainlands most eastern portion so that was kinda cool, its also the best land observaqtion post for whales on the planet as it is out in the middle of there migration and well out into the waters. Though its to late to be seeing them this time of year you could see turtles swimming along the cliffs and maybe a few rays as well, i will go back and get pictures tommorow.

Cheers and as always
Stay Precious
That's my boy! I am proud of you.
Anonymous, at 9:37 AM
hi rob!
i'm glad to hear that you're doing well.....your trip sounds so amazing! the pics of the limestone cliffs from your last post are so cool, one of my favourite parts so far...
i'll check in again over the holidays....i only have three more exams till graduation!
take care, cass
Unknown, at 10:01 AM
AHhahah - ooooooooh bob.
Marcus, at 5:02 PM
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