Me in a nut shell

king or jack fish i thought they were tuna as they had a rather sleak body but i was informed later that they weren't. There was also lots of jellyfish around that i had to swim through which was a little concerning, but they didnt say anything about them on the boat so i didnt worry to much i also had a stinger suit on so didnt feel a thing, more worried about my hands and forehead but it was all good.

Lots of other cool fish down there, blue tangs, puffers, maybe black tangs, groupers, morish idols, so overall a great game out there would definately do it again, though maybe a dive as you can see alot more, aparently they saw a monster of a shark a little further out but i wasnt aloud to venture like they could due to currents and waves.
The following day i began my trek up to brisbane or brisvegas as everyone calls it and we did a little zorbing on our way, zorbing for those who dont know is where you crawl into this big ball that has in inner membrane with a little water and then go rolling down a hill in it. I had to get in with 2 other dudes and well we laughed endlessly to the bottom, you really cant see much and its just a mess of bodies on the inside of the damn thing but good fun and best of all it was free. the hill was a little small for my liking, but was good stuff. At the end you pop out of the whole and it litterally looks like childbirth as you pop out and there is water all over the place etc. ok ive never seen child birth first hand but its what i somewhat imagine it would be like.

That evening i went out drinking with an english bloke who was leaving today for singapore and we got absolutely drunk really not to sure why it started off pretty tame and halfway through he reallized his calendar on his phone was the wrong month and was worried about what the date was and if he had missed his flight and then realized he hadnt confirmed his flight so he was a little worried and when he called the agency at like midnight they knew he was drunk and they had a good chat and apparently confirming flights is generally just to keep mothers happy.

And with all luck im shortly gonna call up Andrew Kilmer and spend a few days with him before he heads back to ole Canada which should be a few days of pure magic
Well i think thats all for now, bye for now and
Stay precious
G'day Robert
We're having great fun keeping up with the adventures of Bob. Glad to hear you liked zorbing - seems to be a hit in Rotorua NZ so I think your parents should have a go at it next Nov.
Love the photos - some are quite titilating.
Have a great Christmas under the Aussie sun!
Brian and Sharon
Anonymous, at 8:32 AM
Hey Rob,
Good to see you are enjoying Australia. It looks like you're having a blast. I like all the pictures that you have posted so far, so keep posting more. Bring me back something nice!! haha
Andrew, at 7:41 AM
I hadn't checked this in awhile and the other dick is here with me so we took a peak, lots of updates I hadn't read, glad you atleast got to see a few pairs of tits! But I can't believe you missed on the bathroom go
Love ya dick!
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM
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