Hello everyone,
well this trip is winding down and i havent updated to recently so this is an entry from my stay at magnetic island which is just off the shore of townsville. Our adventure started when we took the ferry across too the island which you can see above in the view from townsville itself.

That night since its getting to the end of our trip we pretty much know everyone on the bus so its always good times. Our bus driver brought along a rugby ball and we played on the beach for a solid 1.5 hours in which i played pretty good i probably had about 4 or 5 trys, so pretty much
i was a legend out there and im awesome. Then in true Bob fashion, the atm at the hostel didnt work due to rain on new years, so i had to walk into town to get money for my dinner. This was about a 15 minute walk according to the lady at the reception, well i had about 40 minutes before the kitchen closed and ofcourse after booking it down there, it was a good 20 minute walk and by the time i got back the kitchen was closed so i again embarked back to town and there was only one restaurant in the entire place so there i was at this fancy frech restau. However it was a very good meal so i guess that was the highlight of the 2.5 hour ordeal there. but man that always happens to me. Everyone at the hostel thought i had gone to bed. Anyways when i get back we started consuming the beer as it was a big team Canada contingent as you will see in the picture below. Most of them are good fun, though this young 18 year old girl is annoying as all hell and well she provides loads of laughs cuz well shes lame and next thing you know shes passed out on the danish dudes back. She just doesnt know when to stop drinking or talking. yeah shes one of those. Shes in the red and white dress here

The following day me, Josh and Paul (a Pome and for those who dont know what that is they call the english pomes over here which stands for Prisoner of Mother England) went on a scooter ride around the island which was wicked we did some exploring down some roads in the middle of nowhere and scared up some kangaroos. Couldnt help but think of dumb and dumber when we were riding them around though, and half of the roads were through mountain like roads with twists and turns so it was alot of fun.
Now Magnetic island is covered in almost a struggling tree population and is home to about 400 koalas, mind you i only saw one. but its pretty neat there is reef all around the island, and the landscape is rather rough and is so rocky it almost looks like some one made it out of just piles of huge rocks pretty neat none the less. You might be able to see some of it in the pics though they are a little blurry.

The following day we chilled out and went fishing in the afternoon on a boat with about 12 people, and it was me josh paul dave a scotsman we met the night before and a 30 pack of beer. We headed out at about 2 pm and started fishing, I started with a bait fish line to catch live bait to get the monsters. I brought in the first one and then went at it. Directly after i put my live guy out there we saw a baracuda snatch up a fish like 10 feet away from mine, needless to say we were a little upset it wasnt on my line. We moved to a new spot but no one was lucky and something ate my bait fish and didnt swallow the hook so i wasnt impressed. After we headed back we finished the case of beer on the beach and when the skipper came back in from cleaning up the boat they gave us a ride back to our hostel which was wicked of them, and then we stayed on the booze train the rest of the night.

We chilled out our last night on the island and headed out the next morning to catch our ferry back to town. All and all good times on Magnetic Island and wicked people to bring it all together.
Cheers and as always

Stay Precious
Sounds like you're having a wicked awesome time! Definitely giving me ideas for when I make the trek. Hope the remainder of your trip is as good as the rest.
Anonymous, at 8:40 PM
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