Hello Brisvegas

Hello everyone,
The last week or so i have been living around Brisbane, quite a nice city, and for 4 glorious nights i lived on the premisis of Andy Kilmer and his roomies. Well as those of you who know Mr. Kilmer hes a fun guy to hang around. He also had a family friend from Canada over at the same time as me, so we spent some time together checking things out as kilmer is very busy being he leaves australia tommorow after being here 11 months.

The first day we headed to the legendary Steve Irwins Australia zoo, it took us nearly 2 hours on train and bus to get up there but it was totally worth it and the 60 bucks in which it costs to get up there and inside, this place is a great zoo as it is the perfect size you see just enough in the day, as well we got to see the croc feedings which were wicked bad. So we had a solid day out there. Lots of exciting animals and shows going on, infact Matt the canadian i was with happened to make a fool of himself infront of everyone there as they were trying to get the birds to land on his arm and shreak like a bird himself then they released homing pigeons instead of actual parrots and hawks, pretty funny infront of like 400 people.
We then headed back into brisvegas and decided to grab some dinner as kilmer was out all day seeing people off. After dinner we headed to the bottle shop to stock up for a few days. Were Matt went into this bar just behind the shop he found this great band playing so we decided to go in for a pint. Leaving our paid for case of beer back in the fridge from where it came. We shot up a little pool before this girl who was watching from the side decided that she was drunk enough to shoot pool and so i let her step in and take a few shots. She ended up taking out like 2 balls and from that point on was our best friend. She ended up taking our ears off, Genie was her name too by the way. Eventually ive had enough drinks and head to the loo. Where genie is following me and i dont know where im going so as im on my way shes saying go left go left im completely oblivious at this point not a clue.. so i look left and no sign of mens room thankfully on the right there it is, so i head in. Next thing i know she sticks her head in and utters im not going in there. And thats when it hit me ahha man never in my life has anything quite like that happened. I think it must have been the hat i bought earlier that day but it will go on a mistery to the end of time. But i mean really it doesnt say much for her it wasnt even 9 30pm i was completely dumb struck. Anyways she didnt come in and thank the freaking lord she was probably late 20s early 30s not bad looking but washrooms really arent my style and neither are randoms. But never the less good for the confidence so i got that going for me. really no big deal aha

Next couple days we chill out around Kilmers nothing to big going on then Saturday we had a shindig for our main man Kilmer as he heads back to Canada after a lengthy run over here so about 40 people show up at his place and we get into the sauce. There were a few presentations of gifts from friends of his and some awkward comments from a German and then we got down to the main event. Flip Cup.
I drew a 1 so i was designated to a team of 6 drinkers and we absolutely destroyed our opponents a clean 5-0 and our last round was clean simple chug and one flip it was over before they had 2 flipped. Pretty big deal. We then head down to the local pub which im told only Kilmer actually likes called the Normanby for some more festivities. We didnt manage to get home until about 5am i think but the sun was on the rise so the next day was spent sleeping and watching movies.
I think thats pretty much all my activities as of late pictures to come but this comp is lame.

Cheers and stay precious
The last week or so i have been living around Brisbane, quite a nice city, and for 4 glorious nights i lived on the premisis of Andy Kilmer and his roomies. Well as those of you who know Mr. Kilmer hes a fun guy to hang around. He also had a family friend from Canada over at the same time as me, so we spent some time together checking things out as kilmer is very busy being he leaves australia tommorow after being here 11 months.

The first day we headed to the legendary Steve Irwins Australia zoo, it took us nearly 2 hours on train and bus to get up there but it was totally worth it and the 60 bucks in which it costs to get up there and inside, this place is a great zoo as it is the perfect size you see just enough in the day, as well we got to see the croc feedings which were wicked bad. So we had a solid day out there. Lots of exciting animals and shows going on, infact Matt the canadian i was with happened to make a fool of himself infront of everyone there as they were trying to get the birds to land on his arm and shreak like a bird himself then they released homing pigeons instead of actual parrots and hawks, pretty funny infront of like 400 people.

Next couple days we chill out around Kilmers nothing to big going on then Saturday we had a shindig for our main man Kilmer as he heads back to Canada after a lengthy run over here so about 40 people show up at his place and we get into the sauce. There were a few presentations of gifts from friends of his and some awkward comments from a German and then we got down to the main event. Flip Cup.
I drew a 1 so i was designated to a team of 6 drinkers and we absolutely destroyed our opponents a clean 5-0 and our last round was clean simple chug and one flip it was over before they had 2 flipped. Pretty big deal. We then head down to the local pub which im told only Kilmer actually likes called the Normanby for some more festivities. We didnt manage to get home until about 5am i think but the sun was on the rise so the next day was spent sleeping and watching movies.
I think thats pretty much all my activities as of late pictures to come but this comp is lame.

Cheers and stay precious
Hey Rob,
Awesome you got to go to the Austrailia zoo, I've always wanted to go seeing as I'm pretty much obsessed with the whole reptile thing.
Wonder whatever happened to your good friend Genie?
bex, at 7:44 PM
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