Cinque Terra National Marine Reserve Italy, Highlight

This was an area which i would describe as more old school Italy or more round the likes of what you think of Italy being, Though it is getting a little crouded over as tourists flawk too it but still a great place for both the young and old.
Straight off the train i ended up meeting this aussie named Reegan, whom which i ended up bunking with as there were no dorm rooms available, then we headed to the med for a swim, the waters here are well a crystal blue but a little chilly but still you really cant go wrong i mean its the med right... no big deal... well maybe a tad.. nah forget it
There are a series of 5 fishing viliages of which you can hike between during the day which really make this place what it is as you can do it in roughly 5 hours and then hop on the train to get back. our second day we proceeded on the hike which was on a rather overcast day but turned out to be great. So between one of these towns there is a nudist beach and sure enough half way between we run into this old dude just hiking naked, was probably the weirdest situation ever aha naked dude sportin shoes, backpack and a walking stick, very random and hilarious, Reegan snapped a picture of his bare ass hiking up the hill it was great.

That night we ran into this American chick and ended up going out for a typical italian meal, and ended up at the same resaurant as this older american couple we ran into on the trail and down at the beach. So we eat our dinner and the couple is celebrating the anniversary of there two friends with them and order the house specialty which was this huge pot of seafood consisting of mussels, clams, octopus, fish, calamari and maybe more i forget but it was massive anyways they got two one for each couple which is far too much so me and reegan jokingly call there leftovers.

Sure enough 30 minutes later we are over at there table scarffing down delicious seafood for free and listening to there traveling stories shooting the shit it was great. The one odl dude ended up telling us about his europe trip where he had bought a vw beetle and toured for 3 months, and one day he found himself high on hash driving his car wearing an old leather pilots helmet and his head out the sunroof, really wish i could have snapped a picture of it priceless, and well his wife kinda gave him a shove and an `Oh Rick´When he said it was very funny.
anyways ill leave you guys with some pictures of the area here
Stay precious
Love always
hey Bob,
I love reading your blog, it's great to read about your adventures, they always make me laugh. thanks for making my essay writing so much more horrible though have fun, stay safe, keep up the blog and pictures! more sunset pictures!!! and how bout those pictures of the naked men, old or not, lets see them!
take care!
Anonymous, at 11:17 AM
nice blog clown. are you happy now that i wrote a comment. Did this cheer you up??? Anyways keep in touch and keep posting pictures. See you when you get home!
Anonymous, at 1:09 PM
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