The Adventures of Bob

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Is this thing on?

Test. . .Test 1. . . 1. 2.2. . . .test.

"Is this thing on?"

"How's everyone doing tonight?"

"So I walk into this bar right?. .. "

(15 akward minutes later)

"So I says to the guy, I says: KISS MY ASHPHALT! And as for your grandma, she shouldn'ta mouthed off like that!"

silence. Adjusts tie.

"oooooo. . . tough crowd. Alright thanks folks, that's my time - don't forget to tip your waitress."

"I'm here every Thursday."

"Without further ado, let me welcome you to the adventures of Bob."

I am not Bob, I am Marcus, but since Bob is a little busy travelling the world right now I thought I'd take the liberty of setting up a blog for him. So here it is, hopefully he will start posting intermittently as the inspiration comes, and if we're lucky, maybe a picture or two? YOU HEAR THAT BOB? A PICTURE OR TWO WOULD BE NICE.

Enjoy your blog



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