So im now in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, scary as it is, this is probably the craziest place i have ever been but after a few days its grown on me thats for sure. But its also very extreme. This city is well from one extreme to the other, one spot you have state of the art buildings and right behind them you have slums with people cooking your food right outta the gutters. then you have a pocket of jungle right in the middle of town and about 20 monkeys in it, yeah you can say this place is a bit perplexing.

So let me go through some of my findings and experiences here so far.
One day i went up the tower they have here which is the 5th highest in the world, and i must say it has nothing on the CN but i mena it was there right so i had to do it, I then walked around the little patch of jungle and saw about 20 monkeys which were like right at the base fo the tower that for me was weird. but i couldnt stay long cuz the mosquitoes were pretty bad.
The one thing they really have going in this city is SHOPPING, they got like 4 malls that are like 6 stories each one of which is stockked full of designer fashion, and pretty decent prices on the ole exchange rate, its crazy. Though going shopping here as i have found is a bit of an experience, i donno if its just them alone the people working in the shopps or if its the fact that im white and from somewhere else but when i walk into a shop the people drop everything they are doing great me, and then follow me around the damn place watching everything i do like i was gonna steal something, makes things real awkward especially when you like something cuz then they start pulling out things ahhh so brutal.
Next its really hot here and well i have realized why they walk so slow, like first few days i was nothing but angry at there pace it was disturbing. But then after slowing down a bit you realise your not quite so dirty and sweaty by the time you reach a destination. So next time your stuck behind some slow walkers remember maybe they are just trying not to sweat through there shirt before there destination. And then go past them
So yeah the other extreme here is the food, most of it is chinese thai or indian as the population is mostly a huge mix of them. But ontop of that they have an interesting setup here, like little booths setup along the side of the road and you basiclaly just choose one, i must say though the price is right, you can eat like a king here for 10cdn and thats about 30rm here but you can get a decent pad thai for 7rm which is like 2.30 amazingly cheap and so good. The other night we went to a thai food place and the guy couldnt read so we had to point at what we wanted then he would show it to the other guy who worked there then get our food, it was just outlandish for me but thats how it is here.
So one other thing here is they were colonized by the brits so you have this pocket of nice old colonial buildings from when the brits were here just smack dab in the middle of everything you cna litterally walk out of slums into these old beautiful buildings its bizarre.
The coolest has been these monkeys there are these tiny patches of rainforest just among various parts of town and there will be about 15-20 monkeys just walking around doing there own thing. But cool cuz there monkeys i mean first "wild " monkeys i have seen, how many have you seen out there? just wondering thats all..

anyways thats all for now hope all is well and ill be home in a week
Stay precious